Monday, June 27, 2011

Marathon comparisons

I've now run three marathons - the Royal Victoria Marathon in 2007, the North Olympic Discovery Marathon in 2011, and most recently the Boston Marathon in 2012. I kept very detailed logs about my training for each one, so here is the comparison. In each case I did 5 months of focused training. So a lot of the numbers displayed below are the totals for the 5 months leading up to the race.

StatRVM 2007NODM 2011Boston 2012
Total distance1288 km (* no GPS)1243 km1424 km
Total time111 hours115 hours134 hours
Races7 (4 km, 6 km, 8 km, 10 km, half)4 (800m, 5 km, 10 km, half)10 races (5 km, 8km, 10km, 15 km, half)
Runs > 20 km81114
Runs > 30 km468
Longest run~34 km36 km37 km
Highest weekly km92 km120 km122 km
Tempos (<4:30)11821
Yasoo 800s (10x800m)2:58, 2:58, 2:57, 2:57, 2:55, 2:52, 2:55, 2:53, 2:47, 2:55 (Avg 2:55)2:51, 2:47, 2:45, 2:41, 2:42, 2:39, 2:40, 2:41, 2:44, 2:22 (Avg 2:41)2:49, 2:51, 2:47, 2:46, 2:45, 2:40, 2:41, 2:44, 2:41, 2:30 (Avg 2:43)
GoalSub 3 hoursSub 3 hours2:55
Race day weatherMild, ~12 °C, rainy in 2nd halfSunny and hot - ~20 °C (sunburn on back)~29 °C, brutally hot
Marathon result3:02:56 (1:29/1:34)2:59:45 (1:29/1:31)3:13:30 (1:31/1:42)
* I have a feeling that my 2007 distances were slightly inflated since I didn't have a GPS watch, and so I could only guess how far I ran based on how hard I was running and how long it took.

My Garmin Connect activities are public and can be viewed here: NODM, Boston.

I didn't have a GPS watch for the 2007 marathon, but I found a lot of other people who have run the Victoria course, and I combined the elevation profiles for the three marathons here. You can see that the NODM course has a lot more elevation drop, but it also has some very steep uphills too. The RVM course is flatter in general, but has lots of undulation. And Boston is mostly downhill except for the Newton hills from 25 km - 33 km.

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