Friday, May 22, 2009

Short Leg

I recently decided to go get a second opinion on my knee injury, so I went to the Synergy Health Management group and saw Dr. Jamie Grimes. His diagnosis is that my left leg is about 1cm shorter than my right leg. It certainly seems to makes sense given my condition. He noticed that my right quad and glute are much larger/stronger than the left side, obviously compensating for my short leg. For now I've been given a 5mm heel lift, and I have two incredibly painful massage sessions (mostly on my right hip flexor and IT band) a week. Hopefully it will solve my problem.

I found this interesting article on Leg Length Discrepancies. The author lists 4 problems associated with short leggedness:
  1. Iotibial band syndrome (pain on the outside or lateral part of the knee)
  2. Piriformis syndrome (butt pain, not to be confused with sciatica, where the pain runs down the back of the leg)
  3. Hip pain
  4. Low back pain

I have been experiencing at least 3 of those symptoms...

Oh well, for now I'm enjoying volunteering at races, and spending more time in the gym. This weekend is the Peninsula Runners Cool Half Marathon in Oak Bay, I'll be working the bag check.

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